国立交通大学 院课程学程「客家社会与文化学分学程」实施办法
National Chiao Tung University - College Course Program
“Hakka Culture and Society Program”Implementation Provisions
“Hakka Culture and Society Program”Implementation Provisions
- 国立交通大学客家文化学院(以下简称本院)为提供本校学生接受客家社会与文化之基础及专业训练,依据「国立交通大学院课程学程办法」订定本学分学程。本学程以客家社会作为理解台湾暨全球文化的切入点,兼顾传统知识与当代变迁,修读本学程的学生,可以经由语言、历史、文学、社会与文化等途径,认识当今以客家为主题所延伸之社会文化表现,进而理解客家族群与社会在全球化脉络的文化与社会经验。
According to the Implementation of National Chiao Tung University Institutional Program, the College of Hakka Studies in National Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as “the College”) provides courses for training students to equip both fundamental and professional knowledge of Hakka culture and society. This program would like to set the Hakka society as the beginning point of understanding Taiwanese and global culture: tradition and transformation. From this program, students would understand various Hakka cultural and social issues through learning its language, history, literature, society and culture. Based on this, students would further understand the experience of Hakka ethnicity and society in the context of globalization.
- 客家文化与社会学程由本院人文社会学系和传播与科技学系共同规划设计,凡台湾联合大学系统大学部与研究所学生,均得申请修读本学程,修满本学程规定之科目及18学分者,由本校发给学程修毕证明。
The Hakka Culture and Society Program is designed collaboratively by the Department of Humanities and Social Science and the Department of Communication and Technology. Both undergraduate and graduate students at the University System of Taiwan are qualified to take this Program. Those who have completed the courses (or 18 credits in total) will obtain a Program Certificate verified by this University System.