本學期「友善校園週」 結合新竹安駕中心分別至本校三個校區實施友善校園送安檢活動, 內容包括:機車安全駕駛講習:車輛檢查、 緊急煞車與轉彎講解示範實地操作。 另實施機車安全點檢及邀請衛保組現場提供健康檢測與衛教外傷包紮 護理等項目。
此外,現場擺設大型重機及人身部品展示。 軍訓室並於現場發放報名抽獎券, 有機會抽中高檔安全帽及學校漢堡王餐券,好禮等您拿( 免費領取紀念品)!歡迎報名!(2/29報名截止)
報名網址:https://forms.gle/ SdWQJyuPDeQjxM6T6
Hi Guys,
This semester, as part of the "Friendly Campus Week," we will be conducting motorcycle mechanical safety inspection events across three campuses. The activities will include: motorcycle safety driving, vehicle inspection, demonstrations and hands-on practice of emergency braking and turning.
Registration is open! (Deadline: 2/29)
This semester, as part of the "Friendly Campus Week," we will be conducting motorcycle mechanical safety inspection events across three campuses. The activities will include: motorcycle safety driving, vehicle inspection, demonstrations and hands-on practice of emergency braking and turning.
Registration is open! (Deadline: 2/29)
Login Website:https://forms.gle/ SdWQJyuPDeQjxM6T6
聯絡人: 軍訓室 李耀威(#50710)