




  1. 申請資格:本校在學學生,不含在職專班,且以本校名義發表之專題成果參加重要國際競賽(不包含學術論文競賽)。
  2. 申請文件:檢附「經費申請書」及「預算項目、額度與相關附件(如報名表、競賽資訊、參賽作品等)」。
  3. 申請期限:競賽日期六週前向研究發展處企劃二組送交申請文件。
  4. 申請流程:紙本申請文件送所屬系所或學院提出經費需求 → 研究發展處企劃二組
  5. 補助項目:機票費、註冊(報名)費、生活費及材料費。
  6. 獎學金額度:
    • 補助額度每隊以不超過申請經費之百分之五十為原則。
    • 競賽地點位於亞洲地區(含紐、澳)者,每人新台幣3萬元為上限。
    • 競賽地點位於亞洲以外地區者,每人新台幣5萬元為上限。
  7. 審查原則: 以各學院提列之重要國際競賽清單為優先補助對象。
  • 以上僅擷錄重要資訊,詳請參閱補助作業要點申請書
  • 因年度經費有限,欲申請者請盡早送件,如經費用罄,歉難補助,尚祈見諒。
  • 申請資訊以網頁公告訊息為準。如有其他疑義,請逕洽研究發展處企劃二組承辦人凃小姐(校內分機53268,電子信箱。




「National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Guidelines on Grants for Students' Projects in Major International Competitions」Application Announcement
  1. Eligibility for Application:Must be current students of the University, excluding those on in-service master’s programs, and have participated in a major international competition (excl. academic thesis competitions) with a project published in the name of the University.
  2. Application documents:Applicants should submit a competition plan and a funding application form (including budget items, amount and relevant attachments).
  3. Application Deadline:Application should be submitted to Planning Division 2 of the Office of Research and Development six weeks before the competition.
  4. Application process:Hard copies of application documents should be submitted through the respective departments or colleges for funding requests → Planning Division 2, Office of Research and Development(Ms. Tu).
  5. Grant Items:Grants are limited to the airfare, registration fee, living expenses and material costs for individual or group participation in international competitions abroad.
  6. Scholarship amount:
    • The scholarship amount for each team shall not exceed 50% of the funding applied.
    • Amount of scholarship per person is capped at NT$30,000 if the competition is held in Asia (including New Zealand and Australia)
    • At NT$50,000 if the competition is held outside Asia.
  7. Vetting rules:The list of important international competitions submitted by colleges serves as the priority candidates for funding.
  • The above is an excerpt of the key information. For detailed information, please refer to the operational guidelines and the application form.
  • Due to limited annual funds, applicants are encouraged to submit their requests as early as possible. In the event of fund exhaustion, we regret that further assistance may not be possible, and we seek your understanding.
  • Information for this award’s application is based on website announcements. Please contact Ms. Tu of Planning Division 2 of the Office of Research and Development (, ext. 53268) for any further inquiries or concerns.




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