

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Name Position Education Expertise Contact
Shaw-Herng Huang
Professor PhD in Economics, Tokyo University, Japan PhD in Economics, Tokyo University, Japan shhuang0725@gmail.com
Rui-zhi Lian Professor PhD in History, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


State and Ethnivity in Southwest China, Chinese Social History and Popular Culture, Taiwan History


Ya-Chung Chuang Professor PhD in Anthropology, Duke University, USA Anthropological Theory, Democracy and Social Movements, National Identity, Urban Culture ycc622@nycu.edu.tw
Mei-Ling Chien Professor & Dean &
International Center for Hakka Studies Dean
PhD in Cultural Anthropology National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan [Topical] kinship, gender, bodily experiences, everyday life, anthropology of emotions, linguistic anthropology, medical anthropology, historical ethnography; [Areal] Miao (Hmub or Hmong), Hakka, Amis (Pancha, an Austronesian group), South and Southwestern China, Taiwan, and Malaysia mlchien@nycu.edu.tw
Hsin-Chun Tuan Professor Ph.D. in Theater, UCLA, U.S.A. Theatre & Literary Theories studies, Western Drama, Taiwan Modern/Contemporary Theatre, Western Art an Film Criticism, Intercultural Theatre, Performance Studies iristuan@nycu.edu.tw
extension: 58658
Mei-Lin Pan Professor PhD in Sociology, Duke University, USA economic sociology, development sociology, comparative / historical sociology organizations, markets, and work, ethnic economy Taiwan’s social and economic development, globalization and social change mlpan@nycu.edu.tw
Hsiu-Hsin Lin Associate Professor PhD in Sociology, Université René Descartes, Paris V, France Community Studies, Symbolic Anthropology, Hakka Studies hsiuhsin74@gmail.com
Lieh-Shih Lo Associate Professor
& Chairperson
PhD in Cultural Anthropology National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Hakka society and culture, Cultural anthropology, historical anthropology, Han Chinese studies, Cultural heritage, Community empowerment, Hakka language teaching asiilo@nycu.edu.tw
extension:58740 58660
Wei-Der Shu Associate Professor PhD in Sociology, University of Syracuse, USA Identity studies, Ethnic relations, nationalism, Social movements weidershu@gmail.com
Ta-Ho Liu Associate Professor PhD in Institut d''Etudes Politiques de Paris, France cultural industries, cultural research, social security liutaho@gmail.com
Yi-Hsi Chang Professor Ph.D. in History, National Taiwan University Ming-Ch''ing social and cultural history,Local History,Family history ic2110@gmail.com
Yen-ling Tsai Associate Professor PhD in Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz Race and Ethnicity, Feminist and Cultural Theory, Modern Island Southeast Asia, Chinese Diaspora and Trans-nationalism, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies yenlingtsai@nycu.edu.tw
Chao-Ching Ko Assistant Professor PhD in Sociology Tunghai University, Taiwan Sociological theory, Political sociology, Cultural sociology chaoching@nycu.edu.tw
Cheng-Heng Lu Associate Professor PhD in History, Emory University, USA Maritime History, Comparative Imperial History, Global History, Taiwan History, Ming and Qing History, Historical Anthropology chenghenglu@nycu.edu.tw
Hua-hsuan Chu Assistant Professor PhD in Sociology, Binghamton University Global Capitalism, Agricultural Political Economy, Environmental Sociology hchu@nycu.edu.tw
Ying-Qing Wu Assistant Professor PhD in Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong Economic Anthropology, Ecological Anthropology, Public Goods and Publicization, Global Marine Fisheries, Aquatic Food Culture ycwu517@nycu.edu.tw

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