College of Hakka Studies Signs Academic Exchange Agreement with Université de Strasbourg on International Exchange Promotion

  • 2016-11-29
 College of Hakka Studies Signs Academic Exchange Agreement with Université de Strasbourg on International Exchange Promotion


Reported by Journalist Ma Kai-Hsuan

College of Hakka Studies of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) formally signed an academic exchange agreement with Université de Strasbourg on November 29th, 2016. The vice presidents of both schools, Chang Yi and Francis Kern, College of Hakka Studies Dean Chang Wei-An and Université de Strasbourg College of Social Sciences and Humanities Dean Jean-Daniel Boyer co-signed the agreement. Both sides are expected to have closer ties in the future, whether in academic research exchanges and cooperation or student exchange learning. The signing of this exchange agreement will enhance and promote the visibility of NCTU, particularly the College of Hakka Studies in the international academic community, thereby providing students with opportunities for more diversified overseas exchanges.

College of Hakka Studies Dean Chang Wei-An, NCTU Vice President Chang Yi, Université de Strasbourg Vice President Francis Kern, College of Social Sciences and Humanities Dean Jean-Daniel Boyer (right to left) co-signing the academic exchange agreement (Photography: Ma Kai-Hsuan).


According to NCTU Vice President Chang Yi, the signing of the academic exchange agreement can strengthen ties between both schools student exchange and research and teaching cooperation. In addition to the cooperation in the field of humanities, Chang Yi also anticipates opportunities for extension in natural sciences and related areas. Université de Strasbourg Vice President Francis Kern said that he was pleased to visit NCTU and become its new partner. He believes the international exchange opportunity is of great importance to students and teachers alike and looks forwards to future cooperation following the fulfillment of the exchange agreement.

According to Université de Strasbourg College of Social Sciences and Humanities Dean Jean-Daniel Boyer’s talk, both schools see eye to eye regarding social sciences, while NCTU College of Hakka Studies boasts multi-faceted history, anthropology, and social science, which coincides with Université de Strasbourg’s College of Social Science and Humanities. Therefore, both sides are pleased to have signed the academic exchange agreement, which will contribute to strong cooperative relations between both schools. College of Hakka Studies Dean Chang Wei-An also looks forward to future holding of international exchange activities so that  both colleges will have a chance to jointly carry out research on Hakka people living overseas.


A group photo of teachers and students from both schools (Photography: Ma Kai-Hsuan)


Dean Chang Wei-An and Professor Chien Mei-Ling from Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (under College of Hakka Studies) briefly introduced the history and current situation of Hakka people in Taiwan as well as the organization of the College of Hakka Studies before the agreement signing ceremony. During the period, Francis Kern, Jean-Daniel Boyer, and Salomé Deboos who presided the professors showed a keen interest in the Hakka culture, both sides had a pleasant conversation. Finally, the representatives of both schools also exchanged gifts, which marked a perfect ending for the academic exchange agreement signing.

描述 : D:\潘映瑄-客家文化學院交接資料\【潘映瑄-客家文化學院交接資料】\國際化業務\合約相關}}01611法國史特拉斯堡大學MOU\活動照片\DSCN0684-1.jpg

The souvenir presented by Université de Strasbourg  (Photography: College of Hakka Studies)