Let the world see the Hakkas in Taiwan! The Global Hakka Study Alliance is established at the National Chiao Tung University

  • 2019-12-10
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       Subsidized by the Hakka Affairs Council, the College of Hakka Studies at National Chiao Tung University has founded the Global Hakka Study Alliance today after one year of preparation. A total of 11 academic units from 7 countries have signed a memorandum of cooperation and activated the Alliance website. The Alliance hopes to improve the quality and quantity of Hakka and ethnic studies, and enable Taiwan to share its Hakka research outcome and Hakka movement experience with international academic communities and interact with them.  

        Professor Wei-an Chang from National Chiao Tung University's Department of Humanities and Social Sciences said that to integrate different perspectives, enhance international academic exchanges, connect Taiwan ’s Hakka academic institutions with international universities, increase the research capabilities of Taiwan’s Hakka studies, and secure Taiwan as a center of global Hakka research, the Hakka Affairs Council has subsidized the University to promote and form the Global Hakka Study Alliance

        According to Yung-De Li, Minister of the Hakka Affairs Council, in addition to collaborations in Hakka related research projects, academic exchanges and student exchanges, the future direction of the Global Hakka Study Alliance is to have a better self-understanding through cross-domain comparative research, also allowing others to see us. Hence the Hakka Affairs Council is fully supportive.  

        Yung-De Li also indicated that the next year 2020 coincides with the 300th anniversary of the Kaohsiung Minong Liudui. President Ing-wen Tsai has already ordered a preparatory committee for the 300th anniversary celebration of Liudui. A series of celebration events will be organized throughout the year, and academic seminars will also be an indispensable part of the events.

        In addition, the Taoyuan City Government expects to host the global Hakka Expo at the end of 2022 or 2023. In addition to displaying the history of Hakka pioneers in Taiwan, there will also be music, drama and other art performances and industrial economies.  At the same time, Hakka organizations and groups from all over the world will be invited to Taiwan to set up exhibits.

        Shin-Huang Hsiao, convener of the Hakka Academic Development Committee of the Hakka Affairs Council said that the establishment of the Global Hakka Study Alliance can serve as an academic basis for the aforementioned festivities.

        The founding members of the Alliance come from 11 academic units of 7 countries, including the Hakka Academic Development Committee of the Hakka Affairs Council, National Central University, National Chiao Tung University, National United University and National Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan. Overseas members include the University of Hyogo in Japan, Petra Christian University in Indonesia, University of Malaya in Malaysia, National University of Singapore in Singapore, Mahidol University in Thailand, and San Francisco State University in the US.
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Text/ Liberty Times. Reporter: Hsueh-Ru Liao. Photo/ Hakka Affairs Council.