The Master Arrives! Chair Professor Kwan Min Lee of Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University Generously Shares Brilliant Academic Insights and Industry Experience Through Guest Lectures and Exchanges

  • 2023-07-03
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Dr. Kwan Min Lee, a chair professor from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, has been invited to visit National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) for a 3-month guest lecture program. With previous experience working at multinational companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, and IBM, Dr. Kwan Min Lee brings a wealth of knowledge and industry experience to the Department of Communication & Technology in the College of Hakka Studies, NYCU. During his visit, he engaged in interdisciplinary academic exchanges with professors and doctoral students from various departments to discuss innovative perspectives on information and communication technology. Additionally, he also delivered a series of exciting lectures and courses, expanding students’ horizons. The arrival of this distinguished guest has been met with great enthusiasm, and everyone had a unique and rewarding experience!

Figure 1: Dr. Kwan Min Lee visits as a guest lecturer, generously sharing insightful academic perspectives and industry experience.

Dr. Kwan Min Lee specializes in the research of user experience, human–computer interaction, smart devices, and interactive media. His definition and examination of the concept of “presence’ have had a significant impact on the field of communication technology research. He was named an ICA Fellow by the International Communication Association in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements and contributions to the field of communication.

Additionally, Dr. Kwan Min Lee has extensive industry experience. He has served as the Vice President of the User Experience (UX) Group and the Creative Lab (C-Lab) at Samsung Electronics in South Korea and as a consultant for multinational companies such as Hyundai and IBM. He holds multiple international certifications for products and technology patents. Therefore, Dr. Kwan Min Lee was invited to deliver a series of lectures sharing his extensive experience and insights on using academic theories to solve practical problems at NYCU.

Figure 2: Dr. Kwan Min Lee (center) was invited to a lunch exchange meeting at the Institute of Education, with Director Chih-Yuan Sun and Vice President Chien Chou in attendance.

At the exchange meeting held by the NYCU Institute of Education, Dr. Kwan Min Lee shared his innovative perspectives on behavioral science and information and communication technology (ICT). He further illustrated his ideas through practical examples of ICT products and services. Vice President Chien Chou and Director Chih-Yuan Sun from the Institute of Education also engaged in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Kwan Min Lee, sharing their experiences and perspectives. Additionally, Dr. Kwan Min Lee visited the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Yangming Campus. He conducted an in-depth review of his theories and research achievements in the field of virtual experiences and “presence”. He elaborated on how these theories are reflected in practical ICT products and services, such as the social interactive experience design of smart mirrors. He also shared his accumulated experiences and insights in the product development process. The attending professors came from the Department of Communication & Technology; the Institute of Science, Technology and Society; the Institute of Visual Studies; and the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences. Professors from various disciplines enthusiastically exchanged experiences and perspectives with Dr. Kwan Min Lee based on their respective areas of expertise, creating a dialogue full of intellectual collisions and inspiring insights.

Figure 3: Dr. Kwan Min Lee (center) visits the Yangming Campus, engaging in discussions with Dean Wen-Ji Wang and professors from various fields (the Department of Communication & Technology; the Institute of Science, Technology and Society; the Institute of Visual Studies; and the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences).

On June 13, 2023, the College of Hakka Studies held a welcome tea reception where Acting Dean Mei-Ling Chien and professors from the Department of Communication & Technology and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences warmly welcomed Dr. Kwan Min Lee. During the event, they shared their research and experiences with each other. This tea reception provided an opportunity for Dr. Kwan Min Lee and the professors from the College of Hakka Studies to gain a deeper understanding of each other’s research, leading to the generation of more academic sparks.

Figure 4: On June 13th, the College of Hakka Studies held a welcome tea reception. Acting Dean Mei-Ling Chien (sixth from the right), along with faculty members, warmly welcomed international scholars Dr. Kwan Min Lee (seventh from the right), Professor ISHIDA Atsushi from Japan (fourth from the right), and Professor Ijung LIN (fifth from the right).

In addition to academic exchanges with professors from various fields, Dr. Kwan Min Lee also delivered multiple lecture sessions for undergraduate and graduate students from different disciplines at the university. In the course “Emerging Technologies and Organizational Communication: AI and Metaverse Technology”, Dr. Kwan Min Lee was invited to share his theories and research findings on “presence” and led students in exploring the distinction between para-authentic objects and artificial objects in the realm of virtual technology applications. Students were full of praise for the rich and fulfilling content of the lecture, stating that it not only expanded their horizons and provided a multidimensional understanding of virtual reality development but also ignited their interest in related fields of study.

Figure 5: Dr. Kwan Min Lee gives a lecture, sharing content related to his research area.

Furthermore, in the course "Digital Image Design" of the Department of Communication & Technology, Dr. Kwan Min Lee approached the topic from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, guiding first-year students to gain a deeper understanding of how humans receive sensory information and perceive the environment, and how this influences behavior and media usage preferences in interactive media experiences. He also led the students to further explore how to develop design strategies and create appropriate media formats and content based on user behavioral tendencies to create better human–computer interaction experiences.

Figure 6: Dr. Kwan Min Lee delivers a lively and engaging lecture on fascinating academic content.

Dr. Kwan Min Lee and Professor Dai-Yun Wu jointly offered the course “Emerging Media Psychology Research” in July. The course is based on the perspectives of evolutionary psychology and user experience design, exploring the applications and effects of the modern immersive technology, human–computer interaction, and human–AI interaction. The goal is to enrich students’ experiences and broaden their knowledge in the field of communication and technology applications.
(Written by Pin-Wei Cheng; July 3, 2023)